Items for Max Elbo Benefit auction may be dropped off
at Gentle Gallery & Studio between 12-5 pm, thru Saturday, April 30th. All donations will be picked up early Sunday morning May 1st, & taken to the Basin Park Hotel for setup. At that time, DONATIONS ARE CLOSED to allow time to enter & tally! Gentle Gallery is located at 215 Greenwood Hollow Road in Eureka Springs, just past the Elementary School. There will be a donation form ready to make it easy for you! Please make sure you fill out "description of item, value, & donated by". If you are unable to drop off item, please call Susan or Penny for pickup & they will send a volunteer! Penny Walker 479.981.1129 or Susan Storch 479.253.7878. |
Map: 215 Greenwood Hollow Road, Eureka Springs.
Turn off Hwy 23 onto Greenwood Hollow Road, go slowly past Elementary School, Gentle Gallery & Studio will be on left hand side. Looking forward to seeing you there! |